May 2023 - The Officers and Committee of the HCEA are saddened to acknowledge the passing of our Chairman Terry Cole, a long standing member and Officer of the Club. Terry was a fantastic Chairman, ambassador for HCEA and a good friend to many in the hound world. Along with the rest of the committee, he was a driving force in making the HCEA a club to be proud of.
He will be greatly missed by all of us. Our condolences to his wife Sue and Family.
Patron - position unfilled
President – Mrs Sue Cole
Hon. Life Members: Wendy Cross, Sue Cole, Jackie Hodkinson,
Ben Reynolds-Frost, Robin Searle
Acting Chairman - Lloyd Cross
Hon. Treasurer - Lynn Black
Hon. Secretary & Club Membership Secretary -
Maria Hills, Angerstein Close, Weeting, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 0RL
Vice Chairman - Position Vacant
Show Manager - Ulrike Fricke
Hon. Show Secretary - Viv Rainsbury
Carol Ann Carlton
Sean Royle
Jacky Cutler
Trophy Steward - Caroline Sheppard
Jane Wilton Clark
Acting WEB Master - Derek Mortlock
FB Editor - Maria Hills
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