Hound Club of East Anglia

Show News

Results from our recent Premier Open Show, held at Littleport Leisure Centre, Camel Road, Littleport, Cambs, CB6 1PU on Saturday 4th May 2024 will be shown on our Show Results page, together with any published judges critiques.

Our Facebook Page gives all the latest details of any upcomming activities for the club.

We always look forward to meeting our friends and supporters, as we continue to promote our canine activities and future shows.

We hope all entrants and visitors at our May 2024 show had an enjoyable day and we are happy to hear comments through our Facebook page.

Thank you for your continued support. 


The last scheduled November indoor HOUND GROUP OPEN SHOW which was due to be held at St. Ives Leisure Centre, Westwood Road, St. Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 6WU, on Sunday 28th November 2021, was sadly cancelled.

With regret the committee and officer's of The Hound Club of East Anglia took the decision to cancel the November 2021 Open Show. This decision was not taken lightly but on the basis that we were a small committee with several who are shielding due to health reasons. As a result, we could no longer cope with the practicalities of lifting and laying down matting and all the other physical tasks of running a show at St Ives.

At that time, we took the decision that we would only be able to hold one show per year - in the summer at an outside venue, where excellent ring size and a more relaxed space, are best suited to our hounds.
However, with a new committee now in place, plans to recommence holding a Winter show at a large, suitable indoor venue are underway.
Details of our Winter 2024 Open Show will be notified through the Club's Facebook Page as and when final decisions have been taken on date and venue.

Please visit our Committee page to see the members of the new committee who are very keen to keep the club functioning and focussing on running two dogs shows every year. 

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